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Fórum » Propeller Clock
Témaindító: vicsys, idő: Jún 3, 2005
Lapozás: OK   477 / 489
(#) Hp41C válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 7, 2018 /
Have You got some tool to record the waveform on output of TSOP?
With a Seleae 8 Clone the RC5 packet can be decoded: Manchester analyzer, bit time 114 ms, the wave is inverted.
  1. ; RC5 InfraRed Command Packet
  2. ;
  3. ;               Packet length: 24.899 ms, repeation time min.: 113.792 ms
  4. ;
  5. ;               Bit 1: 889uS - no pulses - TSOP output high, 889us - 32 pulses - TSOP output low
  6. ;               Bit 0: 889uS - 32 pulses - TSOP output low , 889us - no pulses - TSOP output high
  7. ;
  8. ;                S  s   T   A4  A3  A2  A1  A0  C5  C4  C3  C2  C1  C0
  9. ;               |1 |s  |tg |a4 |a3 |a2 |a1 |a0 |c5 |c4 |c3 |c2 |c1 |c0 |
  10. ;
  11. ;               RC5  version s: second start bit                  : 1
  12. ;               RC5X version s: inverted bit 6 of command : !c6
  13. ;
  14. ;               tg: toggle bit: receving the same bit for repeated packet
  15. ;                                               receving opposite bit for a new command
A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 7, 2018
(#) janigel válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 7, 2018 /

You can order the URC22B remote control here.
This is the simplest solution.
The files are ready to go.

Read more: Link
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Hp41C hozzászólására (») Aug 7, 2018 /
Dear I have not special tool but i must try to arrange cro or other tool to find wave form,
can we not find out the solution from in working files?
Dear we saw lots of TV having RC5 remote but they does not work on each other,while they have same commands,
A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 7, 2018
(#) Naresh Jain válasza janigel hozzászólására (») Aug 7, 2018 /
Dear friend most of ebay seller not to ship in india,some of them will send to india with high cost and high shipping charges, can we not make myself ?
(#) janigel válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 7, 2018 /
He is Indian too.
Contact him.

(#) Hp41C válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 7, 2018 /
Yes, You can biuld an own one: Schematics + Program
PIC16F84(A) and PIC16F628(A) can be used.
A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 7, 2018
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Hp41C hozzászólására (») Aug 7, 2018 /
Dear I have already made this remote and tried many files with this, but do not know which files work with this remote
(#) Naresh Jain válasza janigel hozzászólására (») Aug 7, 2018 /
Lots of Thanks dear, I will contact to Mr. Pritam
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Pritam hozzászólására (») Aug 7, 2018 /
Hi Mr. Pritam, I am Naresh Jain from Patiala Pb.I made propeller clock (Henk soubry),
And successfully work with Indian tv remote
But here are lots of modified program with rtc etc, but remote did not match, have an idea to match remote, i have old Philips tv remote
A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 7, 2018
(#) Hp41C válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 7, 2018 /
Several program was made for 16F84A and 16F628(A). On this shematics there are 2 extra buttons:
- Shift button (going to pin 13 of the PIC) makes the possibility to use more than 16 command
- Address button (going to pin 3 of the PIC) makes the possibility to change address.
Pressing and holding Address button and pressing a number button sets the address of 0x10 + (button number). The default address in 0x1D (29 decimal).
Command codes for buttons are a function of witch "page" is active. The "page" can be changed by pressing Shift button, the visible LED will flash as many times as the active "page" number is. The command codes used will be (page_number)*16+(button_number).

Files with 3pg in name use 3 pages, files with 4pg in name use 4 pages.
A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 7, 2018
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Hp41C hozzászólására (») Aug 8, 2018 /
Dear friend I upload a sample of press button "1" of my remote of remote Analyzer

(#) Hp41C válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 8, 2018 /
can You upload the schematics of rotor. What pin the TSOP output is connected to on PIC?
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Hp41C hozzászólására (») Aug 8, 2018 /
Sure Dear, here attached rotor schematic and base schematic,
(#) Hp41C válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 8, 2018 / 1

Lucky found. The scematics shows the output of the TSOP goes to pin 1 of PIC.

There are two ways to solve this problem:
- Use RA2 (pin 1) for TSOP: The original version witout RTC
Modify Your prop628.asm at line 139 to:
  1. ;#define RC5IntOnRA5            ; un-comment this line if RC5 input is on RA2

and line 144 to:
  1. ;#define UsePCF8583RTC  ; comment this line if No PCF8583 RTC used

Recompile the rotor program.

- Use RA5 (pin 4) for TSOP: Modified version with RTC to store setting and time.
Disconnect TSOP form RA2 (pin 1) and connect to MCLR/RA5 (pin 4).
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Hp41C hozzászólására (») Aug 8, 2018 / 1
Hi Mr. Perfection, I am so glad of you,I am so happy to that clock is working with my remote, I will change some keys in remote and will compile to work all keys ,

Dear little one problem that is the date is flashing not show continuously ,
Video of clock attached,
(#) Hp41C válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 8, 2018 /
since Your rotor has no RTC on board, the following code runs every time when rotor gets powered:
  1. InitTimeDef
  2. ;;              clrf    Hour                    ; May start from 00:00:00
  3.                 movlw   .12                             ; why do clocks always start
  4.                 movwf   Hour                    ; at 12:00 ?
  5. ;;
  6.                 clrf    Minute
  7.                 clrf    Second2
  8.                 movlw   .1
  9.                 movwf   Day
  10.                 clrf    WDay
  11.                 movwf   Month
  12.                 movwf   Year
  14.                 movlw   (1<<bShowHand) | (1<<bShowDTime) | (1<<bShowDDate) | (1<<bShowTicks) | (1<<bShowWDay)
  15.                 movwf   flags                   ; init flags

To disable the day of week function change the last 2 lines:
  1. movlw   (1<<bShowHand) | (1<<bShowDTime) | (1<<bShowDDate) | (1<<bShowTicks)
  2.                 movwf   flags                   ; init flags
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Hp41C hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
Very good explain, thank you,
Now I want to attach the rtc circuit, I saw two types of rtc attachments, one is in rotor only and other is on both rotor and base, what is uses of base rtc
(#) Hp41C válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
The use an RTC on base is to turn this clock to an alarm clock. The modified base count the time, compares the time with (up to 40) alarm times, can star or stop the rotor at a given time, can make sound to sign alam, or can turn on or off a relais. It has only 3 buttons the settings are made on PC with RS232 interface.
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Hp41C hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Hp41C hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
Dear, I will wire the rtc for rotor only, please guide me can it possible to control led with light dependent and led light with remote control too.

(#) Hp41C válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
PIC16F628(A) has only one CCP murile (PWM) and in a 18-pin package there are 2 not used pins, the RTC will use these two pins. There is no more pin in this version of rotor to controll the brightness. Of course a separated LDR based controll can be used.
A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 9, 2018
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Hp41C hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
Okay, and what's about prop886
(#) janigel válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
You've got a good hand, Hp41C is a professional developer.
He's alone with us.
(#) Naresh Jain válasza janigel hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
Absolutely Right
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Hp41C hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
Dear friend,let me know Can we arrange Digital Date in the sequence dd:mm:yy , means first date then month and last year
A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 9, 2018
(#) Hp41C válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
Please have a look at the source file prop628.asm line 142:
  1. #define DateFormat_YYMMDD; comment this lime if you prefere this format default id DDMMYY

Change it to:
  1. ;#define DateFormat_YYMMDD; comment this lime if you prefere this format default id DDMMYY
A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 9, 2018
(#) Naresh Jain válasza Naresh Jain hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
Dear friend ,problem solved,

I undefine this line:

  1. #define DateFormat_YYMMDD               ; un-comment this lime if you prefere this format default id DDMMYY

problem solved
(#) Naresh Jain hozzászólása Aug 9, 2018 /
Dear Hp41C, I have a more question;
what is the meaning of these lines in blue shade in below picture;

(#) belagu válasza janigel hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
Jó lett az órád!
(#) janigel válasza belagu hozzászólására (») Aug 9, 2018 /
Nagy segítség volt hogy a távirányító kódtáblázatokat elküldted.
Köszi szépen.Részed van benne.
Üdv janigel
Következő: »»   477 / 489


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