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I use Prop_Bright_4.34.hex. and only propeler clock without base. and remote id is 0x1D. Is that correct?
I have found source for 16f886 Prop_bright_886_3.25. and I have a question. with what program to compile the source.? because I'm not a programmer and do not really understand how to do it. Someone can help
MpLab V8 assembly form MicroChip.
A hozzászólás módosítva: Feb 8, 2013
source helped only for the correct running temperature. no remote impossible to set a time. Time runs from 12:00
The remote control unit ("Távszabályzó") from this page can be used with that rotor, but its device address have to be set 0x1D.
Can you set the runnig time? Running time set, but rotor restarts form 12:00? After setting the running time turn on and off the outer ring. This will set the time to the RTC. A hozzászólás módosítva: Feb 8, 2013
I do not understand what is going on where. pcb I made 16F886 SMD Prop v-4
and shematic for this pcb is deferent. I built this project so that it has a RTC. but I think that it completely finish impossible. I'll try to produce and remote on the 16f628 as on the page samwere. and where to find the hex code for the remote? A hozzászólás módosítva: Feb 8, 2013
Sorry thay are different:
Prop_bright_886_3.25.hex is for a rotor having analog temperature, humidity, light and voltage measurement having a different pcb. Prop_Bright_4.34.hex is for the rotot 16F886 SMD version having analog light measurement only and a digital temperature sensor MCP9800.
Hi, if You got the hex from here the address is 0x1B instead of 0x1D. Sorry, I have a lot of clock with RC5 and had to add different address them. The address id the low byte of priogram memory word at 0x00F8.
Thank you for ansver. when I use a hex from this link Bővebben: Link shows the temperature 2 t. but when you save Prop_bright_886_3.25.hex to change the temperature shows 26 t
tomorrow make the ir remote and test
how to change the PORTA to PORTE for remote control input in the code Prop_bright_886_3.25?
Az alsó két alkatrész amit jelöltem, micsoda? Nem tudok rajönni :/ köszi
A bal alsó, 3 lábú 7805. A jobb alsó, 5 lábú az LM2941
There are lot of differences. The prop_bright_3.xx uses RA4 for IR input, the prop_bright_4.xx uses RE3.
Idézet: „pcb I made 16F886 SMD Prop v-4” The pcb 16F886 SMD Prop v-4 requires prop_bright_4.xx hex file.
![]() ![]() A hozzászólás módosítva: Feb 9, 2013
A base with 16F628 and RS232 connection to PC could help a lot. Can send the parameters of decoded RC5 command to PC even the command not addressed to the clock...
Can You upload a photo of pcb You made.
Bővebben: Link
modification I think as the remote from"vicsys" only has keys Page 0.because only react to commands page0 A hozzászólás módosítva: Feb 9, 2013
Someone maybe can help you find a ir remote pcb and source or hex with 18 keys. I lost page
Searching in file attachement might help You. Look for RC5* files with lay extensions. You need a remote unit with 4*4 + 2 keys.
Thank you. I think this remote can control propeler clock. pages use from 0-2. correct?
A hozzászólás módosítva: Feb 9, 2013
to: Hp41C please delete fucking Prop_Bright_4.34.hex or fix it. becouse not keeping setings. time and ....
I have no permission to delete anything. Of course You can write a better program for that rotor...
I not programmer. Im user. made remote set time and date. turn off and on. and again at 12:00.
{Can you set the runnig time? Running time set, but rotor 12:00 Restarts form? After setting the running time turn on and off the outer ring. This will set the time to the RTC.}
yse I set using remote id 0x01B the time:h: min:s. date bright. Well translate for you : OFF . Means totaly OFF from 220AC power adapter is powered through pcb and same more components the coil propelel clock. and put back adapter to 220AC. to ON device. and clock start from 12:00 H and 01-01-01. Before, I used the 3.25 hex. with the wire connected to the IR and RA4. Set the time and date. turn off the device totaly. ON. time and date OK. write 4.34 hex remove wire set date time off on time 12:00 and date 01-01-01 A hozzászólás módosítva: Feb 11, 2013
how and where to change the IR portA 4 to portE 3 in the source 3.25 ?
i found #define RC5inp PORTA,bRC5inp. change #define RC5inp PORTE,bRC5inp and bRC5inp EQU 3. but not working. and set MCLRE_OFF A hozzászólás módosítva: Feb 11, 2013
tápellátásnak 2db 4,5VA es 12V os trafó sorba kötve működne? És propelleren mekkora a trimmer kondi? vagy lehet sima kondival helyetesiteni? Előre is köszi!
You are right. Sorry uploaded a test version. MpLab Sim does not support simulating hardware I2C interface, it gots stick waiting for interrupt flag to set. The code modified a bit to make the simulation possible. Please correct the instruction at 0x076D form return (0x0008) to goto 0x76C (0x2F6C). I think this will solve Your problem mixing a hex and a pcb made for a different program. |
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