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Van egy tök jó 3 részes cikk erről. Nulláról a robotokig a címe. Abban minden le van írva.
Rendben, köszönöm szépen a segítséget!
![]() További szép estét nektek!
Szeretnék segítséget kérni Tőletek, mert kezdem feladni a dolgot. Egy nixie óra alapot terveztem át, és a programját Haver próbálja fejleszteni. A fejlesztés során felhasználásra került a PDG és PGC láb mint kimenet. Azóta a csatolt videón látható hibát produkálja. Nem jövünk rá miért. Van ötletetek? Ez a program az alap hardveren ugyanezt a hibát produkálja ezért nem hardveres hibára gondolok. Előre is köszönöm a segítséget. A hozzászólás módosítva: Júl 30, 2021
Kacsolási rajz és forráskód nélkül erre aligha lehet mit mondani.
Sajnos nincs kapcsolási rajzom
![]() A hozzászólás módosítva: Júl 30, 2021
Sziasztok! Kicsit off leszek. Ha véletlenül vannak itt oldschool hobbisták munkakeresés közepette, és nincs nagyon ellenükre a C programozás, egy életjelet kérnék tőlük. Dióhéjban összefoglalva ezért. Köszönöm a figyelmet.
A hozzászólás módosítva: Júl 31, 2021
Szerintem látatlanban a hiba az, hogy a kijelző nem másodpercenkét van módosítva, hanem sokkal többször, ez eleve nem jó, és ráadásul egy megszakítás, vagy egyéb programozási hiba miatt szemét adat kerül kijelzésre. Ha nem hadititok, akkor a forráskódot tedd fel ide, vagy rajzold vissza a panelt (kb 1 óra munka) és akkor lehet akár egy új programot is írni,vagy a hibát megtalálni. A PGD és PGC lábak nem lehetnek a hiba forrásai. üdv.: Foxi
Hello everyone, I need help, I have a project "Remote controlled fan regulator" using pic microcontroller, I downloaded from hamradio.in,project is working fine when using given hex file, but I tried to convert hex from "c" in mplab, but I failed to convert "c" to hex, I am weak in software, please help me,
file attached here: link of the project is: https://www.hamradio.in/projects/remote-controlled-fan-regulator-with-timer
Hello! What error message(s) did you got?
Line 133 of main.c: READ_OSCCAL_DATA() not defined function taken a function returning one integer value. Has to be defined somewhere.
Line 142 of main.c: OPTION not defined symbol. The symbol of OPTION register is OPTION_REG.
Hello Hp41C Mr. Generous, you help me once again, dear I am very weak in coding, kindly make the changes in main.c, I will be really appreciate,
Thank you for your response.
the line 142 of main.c should be modified to:
Since READ_OSCCAL_DATA() not devined it should be replaced with code form datasheet.
If the retlw instruction at the last address of program memory not kept the program vill not start. A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 15, 2021
Dear I change the code as you said,then some errors appears :
Build D:\J user file\Desktop\fan\0707 for device 12F675 Using driver C:\Program Files (x86)\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.83\bin\picc.exe Make: The target "D:\J user file\Desktop\fan\main.p1" is out of date. Executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.83\bin\picc.exe" --pass1 "D:\J user file\Desktop\Fan Regulator\fan-regulator-main\src\main.c" -q --chip=12F675 -P --runtime=default --opt=default -D__DEBUG=1 -g --asmlist "--errformat=Error [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" "--msgformat=Advisory[%n] %s" "--warnformat=Warning [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" Executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.83\bin\picc.exe" -o0707.cof -m0707.map --summary=default --output=default main.p1 --chip=12F675 -P --runtime=default --opt=default -D__DEBUG=1 -g --asmlist "--errformat=Error [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" "--msgformat=Advisory[%n] %s" "--warnformat=Warning [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" HI-TECH C Compiler for PIC10/12/16 MCUs (PRO Mode) V9.83 Copyright (C) 2011 Microchip Technology Inc. Serial number: HCPICP-333333 (PRO) Error [800] D:\J user file\Desktop\Fan Regulator\fan-regulator-main\src\main.c; 38. undefined symbol "PWRTEN" Error [800] D:\J user file\Desktop\Fan Regulator\fan-regulator-main\src\main.c; 38. undefined symbol "UNPROTECT" Error [800] D:\J user file\Desktop\Fan Regulator\fan-regulator-main\src\main.c; 38. undefined symbol "BORDIS" Error [800] D:\J user file\Desktop\Fan Regulator\fan-regulator-main\src\main.c; 38. undefined symbol "INTIO" Error [800] D:\J user file\Desktop\Fan Regulator\fan-regulator-main\src\main.c; 38. undefined symbol "MCLRDIS" Error [800] D:\J user file\Desktop\Fan Regulator\fan-regulator-main\src\main.c; 38. undefined symbol "WDTDIS" Error [800] D:\J user file\Desktop\Fan Regulator\fan-regulator-main\src\main.c; 135. undefined symbol "STATUS" Error [800] D:\J user file\Desktop\Fan Regulator\fan-regulator-main\src\main.c; 136. undefined symbol "OSCCAL" ********** Build failed! ********** A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 15, 2021
Project can be compiled with xc8 compiler without issues.
ok, I will try soon
Dear Mr. genius, please upload the source code with necessary changing, which will running successfully without error, in the mean time, I trying to learn how to use xc8, as I told you already that I am weak in software.
Thanks in advance
Dear as I tried to compiled in xc8 ,I found 6 errors as attached below:
1. file no.1,with changes told by you 6 error. 2. file no.2. without any change 4 errors.
first of all, this program was written in 2010 - 2011, so it is better to use the old IDE form Microchip (the MpLab8) and an old version of xc8 (in my case V1.33). Sorry the syntax has changed sinse then. A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 16, 2021
Dear friend Hp41C, I run the code successfully now, you are really great, you are helping others without any personal benefit,
one more question please, this code is used for Remote address : 0xff00, I need to change the address of remote, but don't know where is address of remote written, I know the commands only, that was written in remote_commands file, but don't know about address, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, and again Thanks, Naresh Jain, A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 17, 2021
according this page, NEC remote protocol shifts the 8-bit address and its complement in the IR telegram. The program stores them in IrData structure. in line 238 of main.c this statement can be found:
If the constatnt is changed, the decoded address would change as well. For examle>
This line modifies the address to 0x18 (24 in decimal). The address may be in the other half on data, so it can react to address 0xE7 (231 decimal). A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 17, 2021
as mine remote having address is : 0x7FD80,
then you means address would be: 1. if ( IRData. byte0 == 0x80 ) // Address is zero This line modifies the address to 0x80 (128 in decimal).
The page last linked states the address of a device with NEC IR remote control has only 8 bit of ddress.
Thank you very much, i want, i gift you somthing ,how can i gift you
A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 17, 2021
Dear friend, have you successful and simple circuit with rtc of wand clock
Dear respected friend, I have successfully running code for AT89C2051 to control the speed of two fans upto 10 levels and four lights turns on/off with remote , I need modification, I want when I switched on the fan or change the speed level then fan should start at full speed for 3 seconds
keep the speed information of motors is GPRs, after a speed contorol packet received, store new speed code in GPR but set motor out at full speed, start a timer (3 sec). Whec the time elepsed modify motor out to the stred speed.
Dear, I can not understand , I upload the code here,I used the nec remote to control,please check :
A hozzászólás módosítva: Aug 25, 2021
hp41c's very busy person , I think nobody can solve my problem
Dear friend will you solve my problem
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